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Nonprofit Help Guides

10 Reasons Why Articles of Incorporation Are Rejected
If you are interested in forming an S corp or C corp, you will not get far without filing articles of incorporation. Sometimes referred to as a corporate charter, this critical document establishes your business as an official corporate entity. Valid articles of incorporation outline essential information such as the company's name, where it is base...
Naming Your Business: Corporate Names, Fictitious Names, and DBAs
If you are just starting your business, or even just considering getting started, developing a name for your venture is likely high on your to-do list. The business’ name will be an important part of the company. It is likely a decision that......
Understanding Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Status
If you are one of the many people who has referred to a nonprofit organization as a "tax-exempt group," this article is for you. This common misconception is rooted in a misunderstanding concerning the meaningful differences between a......
Nonprofit Tax-Exempt Status and Articles of Incorporation
Nonprofits benefit from incorporation in different ways than for-profit businesses. While for-profit companies take advantage of tax savings and asset protection when they incorporate, nonprofits gain even more benefits from a tax standpoint.......
An Overview of 501(c)(3) Provisions and Purposes
A business organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code is one used for charitable purposes. The business is exempt from federal taxes and must be a nonprofit. A 501(c)(3) organization may be a private foundation, public......
5 Critical Business Licenses and Why They Are Essential
You have conducted extensive market research, drafted your business plan, completed a variety of legal documents, and finalized your mission statement. Your business is ready to open and thrive—or is it? Entrepreneurism is, at its core,......
Corporate Bylaws: A Necessity for Every Successful Nonprofit
Facts of Nonprofit Organizations Nonprofit organizations include charities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), private voluntary organizations (PVOs), and more. They are under the control of federal,......
The Top 3 Documents Every Nonprofit Needs
Nonprofits engage in various activities around the country, including the preservation of historic sites, providing assistance to homeless people, helping to care for unwanted animals, and greening our urban areas to make them more acceptable......
What are the Advantages of Incorporating?
There are many important considerations that an individual must take into account when planning to open their own business. Successful businesses depend on many different elements coming together into a singular and cohesive process that......