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Hassle-Free Estate Planning at Your Fingertips

Secure your family's future with our top-tier legal documents


Setting up an estate plan is simple and can often be accomplished very easily.

Protect your family and avoid potential legal complications

Establish guardians and financial provisions for your children

Proactively plan for potential future medical situations

Create a

Last Will

to outline your wishes for distributing your assets after your passing.

Among other things, a will allows you to appoint an executor to carry out these wishes, specify who inherits your property, and designate guardians for minor children.

Create a

Living Trust

to manage and distribute your assets during your lifetime while also dictating their distribution after your passing.

It can help avoid the public and potentially lengthy probate process, provide for incapacity by designating a successor trustee, and offer flexibility in managing and distributing your assets.

Last Will + Living Trust

Incorporating both documents into your estate plan is wise.

The will covers asset distribution and guardianship but not probate avoidance. The trust enhances privacy, potentially skips probate, and manages assets if you're incapacitated. Use a will for assets not in the trust and guardianship, and a trust for better control and probate savings.

Price: $342Bundle Price: $299

Not sure which document is right for you?

Simply respond a few questions, and our form will lead you through creating the necessary documents to organize your Estate Plan effectively.

Thousands of people – from business owners to attorneys – use LegalNature every day to manage their business and personal affairs.

Create the documents you need in minutes

Our Estate Planner has an intuitive interface that guides you through each step of the will with crystal-clear prompts and helpful explanations.

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