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Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment Help Guides

Estate Planning: When to Update Your Plan and Why
If you have an estate plan already in place, then you have started off on the right path. If you do not have one yet, it is time to get one drawn up so you can have a plan in place. However, once you have your estate plan made, it is not......
Components of an Estate Plan and How to Determine What You Need
An estate plan is something that everyone should have in place. Whether you only need one estate planning document or all of them will depend on your specific situation. While you may already have one component, such as a will, it may not be......
The Importance of a Comprehensive Medical Power of Attorney
If you are injured in an accident, having surgery, or develop a condition that makes it impossible for you to make your own decisions, then a representative you choose can make decisions on your behalf. When you appoint a medical power of......
Your Estate Planning List to Get Ready for the New Year
With the New Year approaching, it is often the time when people make plans for the future. No matter what age you are, you should still have an estate plan. Something unexpected could happen to you at any time. Losing your life is rarely......
Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning
Death is a fact of life. Some of us die young while others live to a ripe old age. That’s one fact we simply can’t get around. Yet even while we know that someday the inevitable will happen, most of us aren’t prepared for it. Do you really want to leave your loved ones in a quandary about your estate? Wills, trusts, and estate plans aren’t just for...
4 Different Types of Healthcare Directives
Healthcare directives are utilized by individuals to inform medical professionals how important decisions are to be made when the individual is unable to communicate those decisions themselves. Healthcare directives enable people to......
Proper Estate Planning
The Importance of Proper Estate Planning Proper estate planning is one of the most important things a person can do to provide financial security for their family and loved ones. When thinking of estate planning, there are several vital......
Setting Up Advance Directives
An advance directive explains your wishes in the event that you can no longer make decisions yourself due to incapacity or illness. Similar to a medical power of attorney or a living will, advance directives are designed to give guidance to......