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Corporate Resolution Help Guides

What are meeting minutes?
Meeting minutes are used to record all items discussed and resolutions passed at board meetings. Maintaining these records is much more than a mundane formality. Minutes play an important function in helping the business show how important decisions were made and which members voted for what. Corporations are required to keep these records in order...
How to Handle the Dissolution of an LLC
Although a dissolution of an entity, or closing it down in simple terms, is never something that people plan on doing when they open up a business, it does not mean that it does not happen. Also, it does not have to mean that the business is closing. In fact, a dissolution of an entity could simply be the result of wanting to change how the company...
Mandatory Business Filings for Corporations
Every corporation must file certain documents with the Secretary of State. Many people mistakenly assume that once they have completed their initial establishment filings, there is no need to file anything else. Unfortunately, this kind of......
The Basics of Corporate Resolutions
Corporate resolutions are formal declarations of major decisions made by a corporate entity. The resolutions are used to determine which corporate officers are legally able to sign contracts, make transfers or assignments, sell or lease real......
What Every Business Needs to Do before the New Year
The end of the year is pressure-packed for business owners as they balance the crush of the holidays with responsibilities to customers. Although it seems tough to find the hours, it is essential to spend some time reflecting on the year that......
Corporate Meetings: What You Need to Know
Businesses and individuals often set up corporations because the structure has many unique benefits—one of which is limited liability. A corporation is a completely separate legal entity, which means that it files its own taxes, it has its own......