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Certificate of Incorporation New York

To form a corporation in New York, you must file a document called a certificate of incorporation with the New York Department of State. The form is customizable.

The certificate of incorporation must include the following information:

  • Name of the corporation
  • Type of entity
  • Street, mailing address, and county of the corporation
  • A statement of corporate purpose
  • Name and address of the registered agent
  • Incorporator’s name, street, and mailing address
  • The number of shares authorized by the corporation, the initial par value of the stock, and the rights and restrictions of each class

In New York, you can file the certificate of incorporation online or by mail.

The state statutes that govern the certificate of incorporation set forth specific requirements and optional language that you may include when filing the document.

Mandatory Additional Filings

Although New York does not require additional filings, the Division of Corporations recommends reserving a corporation name. An Application for Reservation of Name will reserve a name for up to 60 days while your paperwork is pending.