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Commercial Lease Agreement Help Guides

Commercial Lease Agreements: Everything You Need to Know
Whether you are signing your first lease or getting ready for a move or a renewal, you need to have a thorough understanding of commercial leases. Unlike residential leases, commercial leases are very much "buyer beware." Your rights are exactly as stated in the lease with little to no other protections. What Is a Commercial Lease? A commercial leas...
Business Formation for Real Estate Investments
Real estate can be a great investment if you plan it correctly. Since the housing market bust in 2008, investors have been wary of starting back up in real estate, but home prices have made a significant recovery since then. Nonetheless, the......
Why You Should Make Sure You Have a Strong Lease Agreement
When you rent out your apartment, a rental contract called a lease agreement is drawn up and signed. This agreement contains details about your apartment, as well as the rights and obligations of the tenant and you as the landlord. It is a......
13 Things to Think about before Starting a Business
The flash of inspiration is one of the greatest things about starting a new business. One day you wake up and have the simple solution to the most annoying problem; and you cannot believe no one else has figured it out! So you rush to the......
Key Legal Components of Lease Agreements
If you have rental properties or are looking into getting into the real estate business, you need to find a way to protect your investment. The general way that people do this is by developing and using a lease agreement. At some point in your......
How to Successfully Negotiate a Commercial Lease with a Landlord
Whether drafted for a space in a large shopping center or a small strip mall, many commercial leases can be long and intimidating, especially for first-time tenants. While this may be true, the best way to get the most beneficial lease for you......
Terminating a Commercial Lease
When tough economic conditions hit local economies, it is not uncommon for businesses to have to make difficult decisions. Many times, a business must reduce expenses by cutting payroll costs or eliminating advertising budgets. Many business......
Can You Sell Items Left Behind by a Tenant?
Check State Laws Regarding Disposal of Ex-Tenants' Assets When tenants vacate a property, many times they leave personal items behind for various reasons. If a tenant has been evicted with a notice to quit for owing rent and has left items......
How to Protect a Security Deposit
Moving into a new home or apartment is an exhausting and stressful period of time. The moment is usually filled with the excitement of new surroundings, so the last thought that is usually on someone's mind is the thought of what will happen......
Commercial Sublease: What, Why, and How
Companies that are in search of commercial space in which to either start a new company or expand an existing business would do well to consider the advantages of a commercial sublease. The commercial sublease is basically renting the space......