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Estate Planning Help Guides

8 Unusual Ways to Use Your Last Will and Testament
Certain conditions you put on gifts in your last will and testament might not be enforceable in court. Illegal conditions on gifts on grounds of public policy include: requiring a recipient to marry a specific person, requiring a recipient to......
How Do I Determine Someone's Domicile or Residency?
Sometimes you will be asked to specify the place of domicile—also called legal residency—of yourself or someone you know for legal purposes. When a person has lived in only one place for a long time, it’s easy to figure out his or her......
How to Create an Affidavit of Heirship
An affidavit of heirship is needed to transfer a deceased person’s interest in real or personal property to his or her heirs when the decedent dies without leaving a last will and testament or without disposing of all of his or her property in......
What Is a Codicil of Will?
Executing a last will and testament is an important element of proper estate planning. The last will and testament ensures that the division of an individual’s estate and assets are completed according to their own express wishes upon their......
Is a Revocable Living Trust Right for You?
What Is a Revocable Living Trust? A revocable living trust is an estate planning tool that allows an individual to determine how their estate is divided and who it is divided to upon their death. The revocable living trust is a legal document......
What Is an Affidavit?
An affidavit is a legal document that is very similar to a witness’s sworn testimony in a court of law. Prior to giving testimony, a witness in a court trial must swear that what they are about to say is true and correct under penalty of......
4 Useful Tools for Estate Planning
The Value of Proper Estate Planning Many individuals do not consider proper estate planning as a viable option because they believe that their net worth is not high enough or they do not have sufficient property or assets to merit......
Last Will and Testament Overview
A last will and testament is a legal instrument that details an individual’s final wishes in regards to how their property and assets are dispersed after their death. The last will is a detailed set of instructions naming beneficiaries to a......
Advantages of a Living Trust
A living trust is a legal arrangement in which an individual transfers the title of property and assets into a trust where it is held for an individual named as the beneficiary of the trust. The term ‘living trust’ is utilized because the......
How Does a Living Trust Avoid Probate?
Probate is one of those dreaded words that we hear from time to time that immediately conjures up thoughts of the courts taking away property that has been in the family for years. The problem with probate is that many people do not understand......