Most states require landlords to refund security deposits they collect within a certain time frame after the tenancy ends. Landlords may subtract from the security deposit any proper deductions for repairs and other damages made according to the lease and state law. Below you will find a regularly updated table of how long landlords have to return security deposits for all 50 states.
Refund Time Frame and Details | |
Alabama | Within 60 days after the tenancy ends. If the tenant fails to provide a valid forwarding address, the deposit is forfeited after 90 days (Alabama Code 35-9A-201(b) to (h)). |
Alaska | Within 14 days after the tenancy ends if proper notice is given; 30 days if proper notice is not given (Alaska Statutes 34.03.070(g)). |
Arizona | Refundable deposits must be refunded within 14 days after move-out, excluding weekends and holidays (Arizona Revised Statute 33-1321(d)). Nonrefundable fees or deposits are allowed if agreed to in writing (Arizona Revised Statute 33-1321(b)). |
Arkansas | Within 60 days after the tenancy ends; return with itemized charges (A.C.A. § 18-16-305). Any returned/uncashed refund belongs to the landlord after 180 days (A.C.A. § 18-16-305(b)(2)). This limitation does not apply if the landlord owns five or less dwellings UNLESS property management, including rent collection, is performed by third persons for a fee (A.C.A. § 18-16-303). |
California | 21 days after the tenancy ends (Civil Code Section 1950.5(g)(3)); cannot be nonrefundable (Civil Code Section 1950.5(m)). |
Colorado | 30 days after the tenancy ends by law, but up to 60 days if agreed to in the lease agreement (Colorado Statutes 38-12-103); 72 hours (not counting weekends or holidays) if a hazardous condition involving gas equipment requires the tenant to vacate (Colorado Statutes 38-12-104). |
Connecticut | 30 days after the tenancy ends or 15 days after the tenant gives a forwarding address, whichever is later (Conn. Gen. Stat. 47a-21). Refund must include any accrued interest. |
Delaware | 20 days after the tenancy ends (25 Delaware Code 5514(e) and (f)). For pet damage, landlords must deduct from the pet deposit first before using the security deposit (25 Delaware Code 5514(i)(1)). |
District of Columbia | Landlord has 45 days after the tenancy ends to either issue a refund (including any accrued interest) or issue a notice of intention to withhold (DC Municipal Regulations Ch 14. S 309.1). After issuing notice of intention to withhold, the landlord has 30 days to refund the security deposit balance along with an itemized statement (DC Municipal Regulations Ch 14. S 309.2). |
Florida | 15 days after the tenancy ends (including any accrued interest) if there is no claim or withholding by the landlord; up to 60 days to deduct and withhold if the landlord gave notice of withholding intent and amount by certified mail to the tenant's last known mailing address. The notice must include statutory language (Fla. Stat. Ann S 83.49(3)(a)). |
Georgia | 30 days after the tenancy ends; however, if the tenant cannot be found and there is no forwarding address, the security deposit becomes the landlord's after 90 days (O.C.G.A. ง 44-7-34). |
Hawaii | 14 days after the tenancy ends (HRS S. 521-44(c)). |
Idaho | 21 days after the tenancy ends if no time is fixed by written agreement, and, in any event, within 30 days after surrender of the premises by the tenant (Idaho Code S. 6-321) |
Illinois | There is no time limit for returning the security deposit for a landlord who only owns a building with four or fewer apartments. Instead, the landlord has a reasonable amount of time to look for hidden damages in the apartment after the tenant moves out. A landlord with five apartments or more must issue a statement of estimated/actual damages to be withheld from the security deposit within 30 days or must return the security deposit in full within 45 days after the tenant moves out. If a landlord claims that a tenant damaged the apartment, but fails to provide a written statement of the damages, the landlord still must return the security deposit in full within 45 days (765 ILCS 710/1). |
Indiana | 45 days after termination and delivery of the premises (Indiana Code 32-31-3-12) |
Iowa | 30 days from termination and receipt of the tenant's forwarding address (Iowa Code 562A.12(3)). The deposit return is forfeited if it remains unclaimed by the tenant for one year (Iowa Code 562A.12(4)). |
Kansas | Must be refunded within 14 days after the landlord determines that there will be a withholding, but in no event may it be refunded more than 30 days after termination of tenancy and move-out (Kan Stat Ann 58-2550(b)). |
Kentucky | Return balance within 30 days if the deposit is being applied to unpaid rent (Ky Rev Stat Ann 383.580(6)); refund within 60 days from the date of notification that the tenant does not owe rent and is due a refund. If no response from the tenant after 60 days, the landlord may remove the deposit from its account and retain it free from any claim (Ky Rev Stat Ann 383.580(7)). |
Louisiana | Within one month after the tenancy ends (Louisiana Revised Statutes Annotated 9:3251A) |
Maine | Except for buildings with no more than five units, where one of which is occupied by the landlord (14 MRSA 6037b), the landlord must either a) return the deposit within the time specified by the lease agreement but not to exceed 30 days (14 Maine Rev Stat. Ann 6033(2)(A)) or b) return the deposit within 21 days after termination of the tenancy or surrender/acceptance of the property, whichever occurs later (14 Maine Rev Stat Ann 6033(2)(B)). |
Maryland | 45 days after the tenancy ends with simple interest accrued at daily US Treasury yield curve rate for one year as of the first business day of each year, or 1.5% a year, whichever is greater, less any damages rightfully withheld (Md Code Ann 8-203(e). See state provided calculator. No interest on the deposit is required if the deposit is held for under six months or for any period less than a full month (Md Code Ann 8-203(e)(ii)). No interest on the deposit is required if the deposit is under $50.00 (Md Code Ann 8-203(e)(3)). |
Massachusetts | 30 days after the tenancy ends (Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. Ch 186, Section 15B(4)). Return must include any interest accrued. Security Deposit is forfeited by the landlord if Mass Gen. Laws Ann. Ch 186 Section 15B is not strictly followed. |
Michigan | 30 days after the tenancy ends . Any withholding must be itemized and include the following in 12-point boldface type which shall be at least 4 points larger than the body of the notice: "You must respond to this notice by mail within 7 days after receipt of same, otherwise you will forfeit the amount claimed for damages." (Mich Comp Laws 554.609) |
Minnesota | Three weeks after the tenant leaves (or within five days if the building is condemned) AND the landlord receives the forwarding address (Minn Statute 504B.178(3)(a)). |
Mississippi | 45 days after the tenancy ends (Mss. Code Ann 89-8-21(3)) |
Missouri | 30 days after the tenancy ends (Mo. Rev. Stat 535.300.3) |
Montana | Within 10 days after the tenancy ends if no damage deduction is taken (MCA 70-25-202(2)) or within 30 days along with an itemized deduction (MCA 70-25-202(1)). No nonrefundable deposits are permitted (MCA 70-25-201). |
Nebraska | Within 14 days after termination, demand, and designation of return location (Neb. Rev. Stat 76-1416(2)) |
Nevada | Within 30 days after the tenancy ends (NRS 118A.242(4)) |
New Hampshire | Within 30 days after the tenancy ends (RSA 540-A:7) |
New Jersey | Within 30 days after the tenancy ends (NJSA 46:8-21.1); within five business days in cases of fire, flood, condemnation, or evacuation (NJSA 46:8-21.1 (a) and (b)); within 15 business days with interest earned for domestic violence victims terminating due to a domestic violence incident (NJSA 46:8-21.1). |
New Mexico | Within 30 days after the tenancy ends or the resident's departure, whichever is later (N.M Stat. Ann 47-8-18(C)) |
New York | No specific time frame required. However, the deposit must be returned "within a reasonable time" per the Attorney General's Tenant's Rights Guide. |
North Carolina | Within 30 days after termination of tenancy and delivery of possession to the landlord. If the landlord makes a claim against the deposit that cannot be finalized within 30 days, the landlord may send an interim accounting within 30 days and final accounting within 60 days of the tenancy termination (NC Gen Stat 42-52). If the tenant's address is unknown or undeliverable, the landlord must hold the balance of the deposit for collection by the tenant for at least six months (NC Gen Stat 42-52). |
North Dakota | Within 30 days after termination of the lease and delivery of possession (ND Century Code 47-16-07.3) |
Ohio | Within 30 days from termination and delivery of possession. The tenant must provide a forwarding address (Ohio Rev Code Ann 5321.16(B)). |
Oklahoma | Refund within 45 days after termination of tenancy, delivery, or possession and written demand by the tenant (Amended by Laws 2015, HB 1577, c. 94, § 1, eff. November 1, 2015 )(41 OK Sat 115(B)). The tenant must make demand. If the tenant does not make written demand of the deposit within six months after termination of tenancy, the deposit reverts back to the landlord (41 OK Stat 115(B)). |
Oregon | Within 31 days after tenancy termination and the tenant delivers possession to the landlord (ORS 90.300(12)) |
Pennsylvania | Within 30 days after the tenancy ends or the surrender and acceptance of the premises, whichever occurs first (68 PS 250.512) |
Rhode Island | Within 20 days after the later of either a) termination of tenancy, b) delivery of possession, or c) the tenant providing a forwarding address (R.I. Gen. Laws 34-18-19). |
South Carolina | Within 30 days after termination of tenancy and delivery of possession and demand by the tenant, whichever is later (SC Code Ann 27-40-410(a)) |
South Dakota | Within two weeks after termination of tenancy and receipt of the tenant's forwarding address or delivery instruction. If the tenant requests it, the landlord must provide a written, itemized account for any security deposit withholding within 45 days of tenancy. (SD Code Ann 43-32-24) |
Tennessee | In the event the tenant leaves not owing rent and having any refund due, the landlord shall send notification to the last known or reasonably determinable address, of the amount of any refund due the tenant. In the event the landlord shall not have received a response from the tenant within 60 days from the sending of such notification, the landlord may remove the deposit from the account and retain it free from any claim of the tenant or any person claiming in the tenant's behalf (Tenn Code 66-28-301(f)). It is recommended that landlords use reasonable judgment for all other circumstances not specified by law. |
Texas | Within 30 days after the tenant surrenders the premises (Texas Property Code 92.103(a)). Nonrefundable fees are permitted (Holmes v Canlen Management Corp, 542 S.W.2d 199 (1976)). The lease may include a requirement that the tenant give advance notice of surrender as the condition for refunding the security deposit ONLY if the lease term is underlined or bolded in the lease conspicuously (Texas Property Code 92.103(b)). |
Utah | Within 30 days after the tenant vacates (Utah Code Ann 57-17-3(2)). If the landlord fails to return the deposit within 30 days, the tenant should serve notice EXACTLY as provided in Utah Code Ann 57-17-3(3). Any portion of the security deposit that is nonrefundable must be stated in the lease (Utah Code Ann 57-17-2). |
Vermont | Within 14 days after move-out or 60 days for seasonal rentals that are not the tenant's primary residence (9 VSA 4461(c)). The security deposit must be refundable (no nonrefundable deposits per 9 VSA 4461(a)) . |
Virginia | Within 45 days after termination of tenancy and delivery of possession (VA Code 55-248.15:1(A)). If no forwarding address for the tenant is provided after one year from the end of the 45-day period, the landlord must (within a reasonable period under 90 days) escheat the balance of the security deposit and all amounts due to the tenant to the Commonwealth of Virginia by sending the money to the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, payable to the State treasurer and credited to Virginia Housing Trust Fund (VA Code 55-248.15:1(A)). A record of any itemized deductions from the security deposit must be kept for two years (VA Code 55-248.15:1(B)(2)). |
Washington | Within 21 days (law updated as of 2016) (RCW 59.18.280(1)). Any nonrefundable fees must be clearly indicated as nonrefundable in the lease (RCW 59.18.285). |
West Virginia | Refundable security deposits must be returned within 60 days from the end of the tenancy or within 45 days of occupancy of a subsequent tenant, whichever is earlier. If the tenant caused damage exceeding the security deposit amount and the landlord hires a contractor to fix it, the notice period is extended by 15 days (W.VA Code 37-6A-1(7)). The landlord must retain records of deductions for one year after the end of the tenancy and make records available to the tenant or the tenant's representative for inspection within 72 hours (W.VA 37-6A-3). Nonrefundable fees must be expressly stated in writing (W.VA Code 37-6A-1(14)). |
Wisconsin | Within 21 days after termination of the tenancy (Wis. Admin Code ATCP 134.06(2)) |
Wyoming | Within 30 days after termination of the tenancy or within 15 days after receipt of the tenant's new mailing address, whichever is later (Wyo. Stat. 1-21-1208a). No accrued interest is required with the refund. If there is damage to the premises, the refund period is extended by 30 days (for a total of 60 days maximum). |